Experience an Eco-Friendly Beach Day

Article published at: Apr 3, 2024 Article author: Durbl-Megan Article tag: Silicone bag
Experience an Eco-Friendly Beach Day
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Did you notice any litter the last time you visited the beach? Perhaps a plastic bag bobbing in the waves or a couple of discarded cigarette butts in the sand? Each year, a staggering 8 million metric tons of plastic find their way into our oceans, equivalent to a garbage truck brimming with plastic bags, food packaging, and Styrofoam every single day. Alarmingly, studies predict that this figure could double within the next seven years. Many beaches worldwide are now suffocated with trash, and vast garbage "islands" drift across the ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, nestled between Hawaii and California, has ballooned to twice the size of Texas!

Even when single-use plastic is disposed of correctly in landfills, it can still seep into waterways and eventually reach the ocean. While recycling offers a solution to keep plastic and other waste out of the ocean, only a mere 9% of trash is currently being recycled.

The consequences of plastic pollution on marine life are catastrophic. It's estimated that 700 different marine species are at risk of extinction due to the trash infiltrating their habitats. Marine animals often become entangled in or ingest plastic debris.
Interested in minimizing your plastic waste and embracing sustainability during your next beach outing?

Reusable Silicone Bags for a Beach Picnic
Ditch single-use plastic and pack your beach snacks and essentials in reusable containers instead. Consider using reusable silicone bags like Durbl Gallon or Half-gallon bags to store your food. These versatile bags are not only eco-friendly but also convenient for keeping your belongings sand-free. You can even safeguard your phone by placing it inside a snack-size Durbl bag—rest assured, the touchscreen will still function through the bag, eliminating the need for disposable plastic bags or bulky plastic cases.

Reef-Safe Sunscreen Choice
While plastic isn't the only threat to our oceans, chemicals from sunscreen can also harm marine life and coral reefs. Hawaii recently banned sunscreens containing harmful substances, emphasizing the importance of reef-safe options. Look for mineral sunscreens containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide instead of oxybenzone and octinolate. Not only are reef-safe sunscreens better for ocean wildlife, but they also offer superior protection for your skin.

Environmental Cleanup Efforts
In addition to minimizing your own waste, take a proactive approach by picking up litter you encounter on the beach and disposing of it responsibly. Use your time at the beach to raise awareness about plastic pollution by participating in beach cleanup initiatives like #takethreeforthesea or #5minutebeachcleanup. Share your efforts on social media to inspire others to join the cause. Remember, even small actions can make a significant impact in combating our oceans' plastic crisis.

Leave No Trace

When enjoying the beach, adhere to the principle of "take nothing, leave nothing." While collecting shells or observing beach creatures may seem harmless, it can disrupt delicate ecosystems over time. Respect nature's balance by leaving the beach undisturbed for others to appreciate. Capture beautiful memories through photographs, but ensure that your presence minimizes any negative impact on the environment.

Let's strive for sustainable beach days that not only benefit us but also preserve the beauty of our oceans for future generations to enjoy.


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