7 Zero Waste Snacks for School

Article published at: Feb 28, 2024 Article author: Durbl -Mila
7 Zero Waste Snacks for School
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Seven waste-free treat alternatives for school can help reduce the ecological effect of pupil lunches. Researchers have discovered that the average student in the US produces 67 pounds of waste throughout the school year just from lunch.

A recent study found that American public schools produce around 14,500 tons of garbage daily. Food packaging generates much of this waste.

Plastic-heavy institution lunches are a considerable factor in the global plastic air pollution concern.

Store-bought lunches and snacks are convenient but expensive and often come in single-use plastic packaging. They also contain a lot of added sugar.

Parents can be busy when their kids go back to school. We have made it easy for you to be more eco-friendly with these eight snack ideas. You can prepare these snacks in advance for your kids. And all without single-use plastic.

1.Cheese sticks without product packaging, a treat alternative without packaging

Make your own cheese sticks or squares by cutting a block of cheese instead of buying pre-packaged ones. Simple and saves money. Prepare them in advance in batches for the week and shop them in recyclable Durbl Snack bags to save time when packing lunches.
If you can't find plastic-free cheese blocks, try asking for paper-wrapped blocks at the deli in your local supermarket.

2. Energy-Boosting Granola Bites and Homemade Treat Bars

Protein and granola bars are good for energy. However, many store-bought bars contain high amounts of sugar and preservatives. They also come in plastic wrappers.
Prepare healthier, sustainable meals for kids using common supermarket ingredients. Look for items in the mass aisles for easy access.
Begin your healthy protein bar-making journey with these tasty and healthy recipe motivations

3. Concepts for Snacking on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

At times, one of the most basic things are one of the most pleasurable! If you're short promptly or energy to prepare an intricate treat for your children, it's perfectly great to offer them their chosen fruits and vegetables to maintain them energized throughout the day.
We know it can be hard for picky eaters to pick healthy foods. Picky eaters may struggle to choose healthy foods. To help, let your child pick a colorful bag for their snacks. This way, they can feel involved in deciding what to eat.
Add yogurt, ranch, or hummus dips to Durbl gallon bags to enhance the flavor of fruits and vegetables.

4. Lasting Applesauce

Maintained Fruit Snacks

When fresh seasonal fruit is not available (or if you have a child who refuses to eat any other snack!), applesauce and other mashed fruit snacks can be an easy way to incorporate some fruit into their meal plan.
Instead of buying many plastic containers, choose one large jar. Use Durbl food storage containers to portion out servings for convenience and value.
Note that if your youngster can not complete their offering in one sitting, the Durbl dish can be put in the refrigerator or fridge freezer for later. And if you prefer making your own applesauce instead of buying from the store, go all out!

5. Mass Food Bin Snacks

Mass Food Aisle Snacks for Children

Are you tired of spending too much on small-portion grocery store products and contributing to excessive plastic waste? Then it's time to take into consideration bulk purchasing!
Buying items like grains, flours, nut butters, granola, and more in bulk saves money and reduces plastic waste. And also, lots of grocery stores supply a wide range of treats in their mass sections, such as dried fruit, path mix, biscuits, and more.
So why not provide bulk shopping a shot and do your pocketbook and the setting a favor?

6. Snapsters & Munchies

Eco-Friendly Snack Options for a Crunchy Pleasure
Crunchy snacks like biscuits, chips, or goldfish-shaped cookies are always a good choice. However, they all have packaging that creates waste. When possible, buy crunchy snacks in bulk and store them in a sealed glass container to keep them fresh.

Food-grade silicone is good for some food storage but not ideal for long-term storage of crunchy foods. Rather, consider using Durbl containers for saving treats that you prepare to consume on the exact same day.

This will certainly help maintain your treats fresh and avoid them from obtaining crushed or harmed.

7. Ideas for Sustainable Treats: Homemade Baked Item

When the situation seems stark, there's nothing rather like the relief of a cozy, newly baked treat to lift your spirits. Whether it's a cookie, brownie, or loaf of bread, the home cooking of your option is sure to hit the spot.

And why deficient a family members affair? Involve your youngsters in the baking process and not only will they find out an important skill, yet you'll also have the peace of mind knowing exactly what enters into their deals with.
Plus, you can quickly avoid packaging by buying your components in the mass area utilizing your very own containers. And cookie dough can be frozen ahead of time easily in a Durbl reusable silicone bag!

      Do you have some smart treat hacks up your sleeve? We 'd like to see them! Share your suggestions and techniques on Instagram and TikTok, and do not fail to remember to tag us @thisisdurbl.

      We're constantly delighted to see just how our bags and containers fit into your everyday regimen, and we can't wait to be influenced by your creativity.


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